Reading and Research


Recent publication

innovations in leadership coaching

As an advocate of experiential and action learning, I have put those principles into practice through research and writing in the coaching field. The papers on this page are offered to the coaching community as a resource for thought and reflection. The book, Innovations in Leadership Coaching: Research and Practice, offers a view of cutting edge thinking and research in the field. In the final chapter, I note: Curiosity is at the heart of all good coaching: curiosity about the client, curiosity about the self as coach, curiosity about the situation, curiosity about the processes and practice itself.When Alice tumbles down the rabbit hole into Wonderland, she responds to the odd experiences by crying out “Curiouser and curiouser!”. As thinking professionals, we have all sometimes found ourselves-like Alice- tumbling down a rabbit hole and landing in a place where our head stretches far above our feet. And, like Alice, the best possible response is inquiry….”

“This is a Must Read for Practitioners, Academics, Students and HR Executives.” – Shari L. Gibbons

Edited by Terry H. Hildebrandt, Francine Campone, Kathy Norwood & Erek J. Ostrowski.


Articles and Research

A theoretical model of flow in the coach-client relationship.

Offers principles and models for facilitating reflective learning in the adult workplace. 

A case study exploring the boundary between coaching and psychotherapy. 

A study examining the impact of graduate coach education on professional judgement.

A study examining the impact of life experiences on how coaches work. 

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